To prepare example sentences

The balances are summarised to prepare the trial balance.How are such chemical, or hormonal, means of information transmission used in animals? What do some animals, for instance squirrels, experience when they are in a scary situation? Their bodies have to prepare for either figurehting or running away.It is used to prepare weed-free lawns by gardeners.How would this be achieved? If the body design in the squirrel relied only on electrical impulses via nerve cells, the range of tissues instructed to prepare for the coming activity would be limited.They also have to prepare the financial statements at the end of each accounting period (usually a financial year) and ascertain their income and expenditure and the financial position, and submit them to the statutory authority called Registrar of Societies.The firm's cash book for July 2005 which Kamlesh has just finished entering and balancing for the month is shown in exhibit Help Kamlesh to prepare the bank reconciliation statement.While extracting the transactions to prepare ledger accounts, the same set of queries need be executed for different account codes.When cash summary of a firm is available along with information about personal accounts of creditors and customers, an attempt can be made to prepare the profit and loss account and balance sheet.To prepare bank reconciliation statement, under this approach, the balance as per cash book or as per passbook is the starting item.To prepare proper trading and profit and loss account and the balance sheet one needs complete information regarding expenses, incomes, assets and liabilities.Sugarcane juice can be used to prepare molasses which is fermented to give alcohol (ethanol).During this phase the chromosomes are fully condensed and the meiotic spindle is assembled to prepare the homologous chromosomes for separation.In order to prepare a bank reconciliation statement we need to have a bank balance as per the cash book and a bank statement as on a particular day along with details of both the books.Final Accounts or Financial Statements: The Not-for-Profit Organisations are also required to prepare financial statements at the end of the each accounting period.For this purpose, they have to prepare their final accounts at the end of the accounting period and the general principles of accounting are fully applicable in their preparation on as stated earlier.

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